This public gallery showcases instructional strategies and course design methodologies used in online, hybrid, and in-person courses, as well as professional development courses and campus community groups. Each subpage details the rationale for the strategy, the course it was used in, the instructor who used it, and the technology used. These exemplars are intended to emphasize the strategy used while being as technology agnostic as possible.

Course Introduction Videos
In SPAN103: Intermediate Spanish, Professor Garcia welcomes students with an engaging, personal welcome video.

Animated Interactive Materials
In Creating DIY Multimedia to Enhance Learning, Articulate Storyline was used to create an interactive learning asset as an alternative to a Canvas page.

Worked Lightboard Examples
In MGMT327: Training, Development, and Career Planning, Professor Richert uses a lightboard to illustrate key concepts in her course.

Mind Mapping with Miro
In ARFD102: Drawing as Research, Professor McGuire utilizes mind mapping as means to broaden students’ approach to sketching.

Tablet Capture Videos
In CSIT561: Computer Security, Professor Samanthula uses a tablet to illustrate concepts and equations explained in his lectures.

Padlet (ePortfolio)
In NURS640: Nursing Capstone, students build ePortfolios in Padlet, collecting artifacts throughout the semester to address the components.

Weekly “Hook” Videos
In BUGN280: Strategic Business Communications, Professor Yosh created short “hook” videos to engage students on each weekly topic.

Interactive Activities
In ARST205: Photography, Professor Adams uses H5P to engage students in a formative assessment of composition activity.

Canvas Design Tools
In the International Student Resource Guide, the Office of Global Engagement used DesignPLUS to design a communal resource.

Online Simulations
In EAES101: Planet Earth, Professor Galster uses simulations of earth processes to engage students in lab activities asynchronously