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Fridays with ITDS — January 31

Fridays with ITDS returns on January 31 with our “AI As Your Ally” talk series!

Posted in: Faculty Development, Fridays with ITDS, Past Fridays with ITDS

On the left, a portrait of Dr. Steven Goss. On the right, a list of event details that can be located on this page.

When: January 31, 2025 at 10:00am
Where: Live via Zoom

This semester, Fridays with ITDS aims to spark innovation and creativity by showcasing specific ways GenAI can be your ally and partner in teaching and learning! Join us in welcoming Dr. Steven Goss, Clinical Faculty and Chair at NYU School of Professional Studies, for our first session of the new year to showcase how Custom GPTs are transforming learning at New York University.

Enhancing Student Success with Custom GPTs: An NYU Case Study

Building Custom GPTs for your course can provide personalized AI companions that deliver tailored support, facilitate role-playing activities, enhance learning outcomes, and more. Dr. Steven Goss, clinical faculty member and chair of the Management and Technology program at NYU’s School of Professional Studies, joins Fridays with ITDS to showcase how Custom GPTs are transforming learning at New York University. Drawing on years of research into “implementation-based learning,” Dr. Goss has developed innovative AI chatbots to address classroom challenges and enrich student experiences. Discover how the “subject knowledge bot” and “project knowledge bot” empower students and streamline project development. Participants will explore AI-driven teaching strategies and engage in live demonstrations of these tools.